Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Good pictures are sometimes better than words.

"The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, operated by the American Battle Monuments Commission, is located at Colleville-sur-Mer, France on a cliff overlooking Omaha Beach. 9,386 servicemen and women, of which 307 are unknown, are buried in ten grave plots. The names of 1,557 soldiers missing in action are also listed." http://www.sproe.com/n/Normandy-cemetery.html

The ceiling of that little chapel, in the middle of the cemetery, has:

Lady Marianne comforting the dead


Lady Liberty Encouraging the living

The Germans idea of a Hobbit hole.

Don't I look tiny next to it?

The sunset on a beach in Normandy

Don't see her like this often.

Foggy Tour, makes me think of a light house.


The Ring? No, it's just me with semi-straightened hair. Semi because I did it on the most humid night available. Boy, am I brilliant or what?

Ooohh! It has twinklie lights too!

Some church I went to for Christmas Mass

A pyramid not found in Egypt

A better picture of my favorite geek. Who took most of these great pictures and then spent about an hour sending them to me through msn messenger. Some fella!

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