Thursday, March 02, 2006

Even more pictures, and not the last either!

Oh it's my "Kuh-night" in rusty armor!

This dude was hanging out in Pierrefonds courtyard.

That is Frank. You can't see him very well, but in real life he is a very handsome fella. JB and I are thinking of catching him and taking him in for shots so he doesn't get that nasty flue that is killing all the pretty birds here in Europe.

Ok, this is an old picture that I took when I was with the kids at the lake. It is a sign that warns people that depositing their old turtles in the lake is not allowed.

We call it the "Micheal Ze Tuwtle" sign, because there is this techno song that says "Micheal Ze Tuwtle" over and over again and the kids really like it...

Another old picture, but worth putting up as it is cool. This is La Géode. It's a theatre inside. It only shows educational type films though, so no broken backed Mnt boys were seen in there. We saw some cool films about India, Tour de France, the Apollo Missions...etc. It is part of the Cité Science Museum/center thingy.

Ok, so we were waiting for the movie to start in La Géode and we decided to walk around the little park outside. When we heard this music. We followed our ears till we came to what you know see before you: namely a Carnival drum core practicing some really cool music!

1 comment:

BZ said...

havilah, I'm thinking about visiting you sometime next week. is the weekend better than the week? (I imagine it is) in that case I'll go to lourdes during the week and come by paris on my way back. (I've got ten day break next week and I don't feel like taking a 35 hour train to greece.)
email me!