So, if you are interested in meeting Pirates, singing along with Les Miserables, being climbed on by multiple little children, seeing the first Zoo in america, looking at famous French paintings of places that I have been to, going up a tower that is half the size of the Eifle Tower and for free, visiting Valley Forge, swimming in YMCA pools, swimming in family owned pools, swordfighting, being waited on, litterally, hand and foot by a whole family of,
very attactive and thoroughly gentlemanly but able to work in the grease and weeds at the same time, young men, shooting a bow, shooting a crossbow, shooting German handguns from WWII, shooting skeets with 30 gauge shotguns, and then going bowling with your sore shoulder and being basically totally overwhelmed by all the goodwill that one family can shower apon you, all you need to do is come visit the famous Angle and Bunny and their wonderful family of Rothchildren and parents.
Need I say more?
These are from Valley Forge

oooh, how much fun!
Merci beacoup, Havilah!! We loved having you and J.B. over. And going to see the World Cup, and singalongs with Bernadette and running around Philly...
hi hava!
sorry, I couldn't export Meg to PA for that time...but it sounds like you had a blast! What are you up to now? and best of luck on all your travels!!!
I updated, Hav!!! I also love you!
i am moving toooooo fast to be able to sit down and write a post!
I will have more time after I get home to WI Monday evening.
Love you all!
NYC is craaaazzzzyyyyy! So was Boston... oh and Dc was great too, but I didn't realy care for Baltimore... except the aquarium which was very well done. Gotta run Kinkos is expensive!
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