Saturday, November 08, 2008

Being Home and starting the wedding preperations!

I've been home for a month. I don't have a job yet, but I am so busy trying to arrange the wedding for this April, that I think I am lucky to not be working yet. So far I've voted for a president, found my dress, bought a pattern for my bridesmaids dresses, bought dozens of flower bulbs (which I will force start indoors before the wedding), talked with the priest, set the date for the church, sent out the "Save the date" things via email, demanded the "list of guests from his side", started studying NFP, checked out and blocked off some rooms for my guests at local hotels, and this morning I am going to look at rooms for the reception. Tomorrow I will work on the invitations. They will be homemade. So much cheaper.

Hopefully, my mom and I can find something and book it soon, because there aren't many places around here that serve such small weddings and we are kinda late in the game for booking a place now. Usually people book a year or six months before, so we're at the wire. We'll probably only have about 100 people at most who show up for the wedding and most places have a 200 people minimum. I don't want to pay for 100 more plates of food that won't be eaten, or all the linen table clothes, and place setting rentals either...

Also Jean-Baptiste and I are having huge problems finding a wedding registry that speaks English but is either in France or ships to Paris. Anyone have any suggestions?


Kate said...

Don't do a registry. Post a wish list online somewhere, and assign a friend or family member to keep track of what is or isn't bought....Anna did something like this for Jenny rather than a registry and Jen and Tim ended up with so much beautiful and unique stuff. I wish I hadn't had a registry myself, years later now I find I prefer the things people picked out for us to the stuff we picked out ourselves.

Kate said...

Try this one:

Just remember to mention shipping costs (and the address) if you want people to ship to France.

Anonymous said...

There is an online gift registry here called

I believe the site is in French and English, and the stores are all based in France. Good luck (and congratulations on your wedding!)

cephas said...

I love that you're growing your own flowers!!